Author Book Consignment Program

Scroll to the bottom of this page to submit an application. Please read all of the information below before contacting us and/or submitting an application. Local Authors are also encouraged to visit our Author Events page to learn about other ways they can partner with us.

Book Consignment Program

We love working with local indie authors! We have a dedicated Local Authors Shelf featuring books of all genres. Our customers really enjoy browsing and showing support for Local Authors. Please read all of the information below before submitting your application (located at the bottom of this page) to avoid delays with your application.

Please Note: At this time, we do not stock the following genres: 

How it Works

Book Consignment is an arrangement between self-published and/or small press local authors and Spellbound Books to sell titles from our brick-and-mortar store for a specific period. The policies below were created to enable us both to have the most successful experience. 


In order for your books to be shelved, the following requirements must be met:

Some tips and recommendations for Authors:


Consignment periods begin on the first of each month. You can choose to do one of the following: 

The Consignment Period is for 60 days. If one to three (1-3) copies sell during the consignment period, the Author and Spellbound Books may elect to extend the Book Consignment Contract for an additional 60 day period. No stocking fees will be charged for extensions. 

If your books do not sell from the shelf during this period, the Book Consignment Contract ends and cannot be renewed again in the future. This is to allow other Local Authors an opportunity to be featured on our Local Authors shelf. If Authors have another title they'd like to stock, they would begin the process all over for the new title. 

We will contact the Author at the end of the Consignment Period to pick up unsold books. If the books need to be mailed back to you, we will request the cost of shipping in advance. All books must be picked up/shipped out within fourteen (14) days of the end of the Consignment Period or they will be donated.

Sale proceeds will be shared between the Author and Spellbound Books at the industry standard wholesale discount: The Author will receive 60% of all sale proceeds and Spellbound Books will retain 40%. The Author determines the retail price of their book--to encourage sales, Authors are advised to price their books according to other books in their genre. 

The Author will receive payment for their portion of the proceeds at the end of each Consignment Period. The Author has the choice of receiving payment via Zelle or PayPal as indicated on their application.

DISCLOSURE: Spellbound Books will do everything within its control to secure and protect books during the consignment period. Spellbound Books is not responsible for theft, loss, or damage to books consigned.


Applications will be reviewed on a first come, first serve basis. We will respond to all applications with an approval or rejection within 1 week.

Click here to submit an application to the Consignment Program.